Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lenna Andrews: Stitchie for the swap!

I finished a second stitchie for our swap due Feb 1st, 2020! What?? 2020? YES! 
This stitchie was done in a blue-green color theme with a hint of pink. I used a similar but different Fred Mullet fish stamp, as I did for my first Stitchie. 

The first one I made (on the right) was done with a piece of leftover silk I had painted. The fish stamp was already on it as a test. For the 2nd one, I found a piece of leftover cotton that I had previously stamped the swirl and the starfish on with Lumiere paint. I added the stamped fish today!

I also wanted to let you know if you have not been to the creative swaps blog recently: it will look a bit different. I changed templates to a more modern template that will display properly on a mobile device. I did not include ALL of the old swap info and probably will not publish it onto the new blog template, keeping it a bit cleaner. You can still check out any of the older swaps we have done or any of the swap pieces you done in the past with the drop-down collections in the side bar: "Swaps we have done" or "Participant Art". Please leave me any feedback if you like about the new template!

If you are receiving this as a feed item, remember you can click on the title of the post to go to the swaps blog directly and leave any comments or check out more posts.

Thanks so much for joining me! 
