This is one of the new creative swaps with registration now taking place on the blog! Please register for this swap by using the appropriate PayPal Button found in the sidebar . . . . look right. After you have registered and paid in full via PayPal for postage & handling, I will send you the FULL swap details (including the swap mailing address) via email. Thanks! Looking forward to this : )
“Shades of the Forest” (4/4) - Due November 29 – a fabric page/quilties swap. Participants will create FOUR fabric pages/quilties on a forest theme in exchange for 4 different quilties made by 4 different artists, all on the same theme! This is typically a very “International swap” and a lot of fun – 'The Forest' is one more theme/swap in our “shades of . . .” quiltie swaps. ~ I especially want to thank one of our swap participants ~ Susanne Weibe from Victoria, BC for suggesting this wonderful theme! I can't wait to get started - I will be participating! If you are new to creating quilties, I have some basic instructions in a Free Tutorial to guide you on my web site.
Swap Requirements:
Your quilties all need to be the same size: 6” x 6” or: 15.24cm x 15.24cm. All quiltie edges should be finished. Raw edges are OK, but your front & back fabrics need to be stitched together by hand or machine.
Please create on a theme of “shades of the forest” ~various greens, browns, white, grey, plus bits of pink, blue, yellow, purple, red for flowers, birds, mushrooms, leaves etc. Think woodland colors and textures. Work from a photo or from your own memory (or your imagination!). Mixed media embellishments are encouraged. Be creative! Challenge yourself to try something; a new technique, process or perhaps a new product. There will be a FIRST PRIZE! I will give away a packet of mixed media & fabric goodies picked from my own stash for the most creative set of forest themed quilties!
Mail your Quilties so they reach me by 11/29/08. Late entries will be returned.
As the swaps arrive, I will post your artwork on the creative swaps blog for everyone to enjoy. If you have a personal blog or website where you have posted your swap artwork, please send me the link in an email and I will add that info to your post.
Make sure I have your correct mailing address when you register for this swap, as I will be sending these quilties back to you via First Class or Priority Mail with a mailing label I create using the address you provide when registering on the blog. If you have not registered your address with PayPal - please do. Registration for this swap is $7.00 for mailing within the USA and $9.00 for mailing internationally, outside of the USA -using the pay now buttons on the blog - and includes all shipping and handling for 4 Quilties. If you would like to create two sets of quilties (8) to swap you may, but please enclose an additional $2.00 in your swap package. I think I will use Priority mail whenever possible now for swap returns to save time on packaging & mailing, and I will definitely create postage online via PayPal. This will mean less work for you – no need to provide me with a self-addressed envelope for US mailings, and only a self addressed label for international mail. I will let you know what works best after my first swap is complete, done this new way. Thank you! Any questions, email me.