Your ornaments must be small and lightweight enough to hang easily. They should come complete with a way to hang, and be ready to hang! Some ideas: Stuffed puffy fabric ornaments, paper hearts, felt ornaments, or fabric & lace or embroidered ornaments . . . what about ornaments utilizing transparencies, stained glass ornaments, metal or tin ornaments, ATCs made from fabric or paper with a ribbon added to hang, or . . . ? ? The choice is yours!
Think love, romance and valentines. You may use images or not, as you like. * You are required to email lenna to see if there is space available in the swap. * I will limit the amount of participants to 30-35. Once your participation is confirmed, I will send you the full details of the swap including more links to ideas for these ornaments. Then create your ornaments and send them along with your label/envelope/shipping funds – all ornaments will be mailed to you in early February!
~ These photos are just an example of puffy, stuffed heart ornaments I made a few years ago. Click on the thumbnails for a larger photo - they were painted, dyed and stamped! Remember, you can create whatever type of ornament you wish as long as it is lightweight & easy to hang.