With much pleasure, I am chosing Vicki Page for the most creative bag sent in for our swap. Her bag is incredibly beautiful and shows an amazing amount of work! She quilt-pieced (I think that is best how to describe it) and sewed and embroidered and embellished and put a lot of thought into her bag. She calls it a Japanese inspired bag and the Japanese word you see on the front of the bag means 'Artist'. The small green butterfly to the left of the Japanese woman represents the human soul, and the koi fish she appliquéd onto the other side of the bag means 'fearless'. Well done, Vicki!
Here are a few more photos (click on any photo for a larger picture) of Vicki's award winning bag -- and photos her prize below that! I am giving Vicki a shoulder bag I decorated : ) It was once a plain black bag. I added layers of paint, mostly Lumiere, then textured the paint with tools, stamped on top of that . . . and then added an image from artchix studio with alphabet beads which spell out, "let go". I hope you enjoy, Vicki!

Vicki's prize: a bag by lenna!
Thanks to all for participating!