1. Your quilties must all be the same size: 6” x 6” - Some participants will take their fabric pages and bind them into a fabric book, some will create a wall hanging or make a small lap quilt, so it is good if they are all the same size. Your Quilties should have finished edges (not open). Edges can be raw (not turned under) but should be stitched.
2. Your fabric pages/quilties will be created on a theme of “shades of spring” – and specifically the colors: shades of Brown & Robin’s Egg Blue. I got this idea from a color combo ATC swap; these 2 shades are just great together! Above is a scan of a Quiltie I created in 2006 for a 'Blue' Quilties swap, added here simply to give you an idea of what this swap is about. Think spring, rebirth, nests, eggs, birds, and shades of brown & soft blue. Mixed media embellishments are encouraged. Be creative! Challenge yourself to try something new with this swap. The most creative Quilties will be awarded a first prize packet of mixed media & fabric goodies hand-picked from my own stash that is sure to delight!
*Because participation is limited you must email lenna to check availability and sign up for any of the creative swaps. (This swap is FULL). Please include your first and last name along with your preferred email address for correspondence. After I receive your email I will let you know promptly if there is room in the swap you desire to join - and sign you up, if there is/or put you on a waiting list, if there is not. Once your participation is confirmed, I will send you via email the full details of this swap including mailing instructions. Your swaps must arrive to me -by the due date. Create your swaps and send them along with your label/envelope/shipping funds. All swaps will be mailed to you promptly in early August, 2008. As the swaps arrive, I will post your artwork on the creative swaps blog for all to enjoy. If you have a personal blog or website, send the address to me with your swap pieces and I will add that to your post.
This swap is limited to 30 players. After confirming your participation, CREATE your quilties! I have basic instructions on my website to help you get started: http://www.creativelenna.com/FAQs/faqs.htm
Note: the front and back of the Quiltie put together with batting in the middle, is considered one page, for all my swaps. It is your choice whether or not you are going to decorate both side of your fabric page. If you like, you can concentrate on the front of the page and save the back for your contact information. If you prefer, decorate both sides – again, the choice is yours and either way is acceptable! This swap is limited to 30 players and due in my hands July 19th, 2008. If you do not make the deadline, you cannot be included in the swap - so please mail early! Check with me via email to sign up first, thanks!