Friday, December 27, 2019

Nancy Roberts: Stitchie Swap!

Yesterday (12/26/19) I received Nancy Roberts 3 Stitchies (4"x 4") for our current creative swap. They are wonderful, thank you Nancy! I'm so glad you could join.

Nancy did 3 different color themes:
Fuchsia & Orange, Blue & Green and Blue & Orange.

I love all of her stitches, nice variety & everything looks great! 

She also sent a hostess gift (not required) of
these gorgeous "Boho Beads" she made herself. 

Thank you so much, Nancy!!

If you just dropped by and don't know much about the Stitchie Swap, it is due in my hands on February 1st, 2020. You can read more details about this and register for the swap on the Swap Registration Page

Those of you in the swap, I'm looking forward to seeing your Stitchies soon!