Monday, June 12, 2023

Paula Farrington: By the Sea ATC swap

I received 2 sets of ATCs (plus one extra and a postcard) from my friend Paula Farrington. She gave them to me in person on Friday! Paula lives in the Bahamas and Florida. She was in Florida and came up our way to visit with me & my husband for the weekend. Paula and I had a wonderful time doing some slow stitching in my studio and seeing a couple of great exhibits at the Ringling Museum. We watched the movie Napoleon Dynamite (and laughed!). We also really enjoyed my husband Steve's delicious cooking. We time spent outside sitting by the river in the shade and had fun with our sweet dog daisy! (and the cats).

Paula made 2 sets of 'by the sea' ATCs with lovely collage and painted backgrounds. The vintage images and circular sections of an ARTChix Seaside word image sheet completes them perfectly. I love Paula's style. She is a great friend and amazing artist! This is her 3rd creative art swap.

Thank YOU, Paula!