Thursday, May 19, 2011

#13.Julie Oman (Jewels) ~ Little Book swap!

Jewels, from Michigan (and Canada) has sent in 2 wonderful little books for our exchange, yippee! On her own blog, Just Tickety-Boo, she has written a wonderful post that describes how she made her books with lots of photos included. Please visit her and say hi! I will include some of my own photos below.
First, the box when it arrived! More about it here . . .
I love getting mail like this! Thanks so much, Jewels.

The Danish gardening book comes in it's own decorated envelope.

It is one of the "instant" books = made from 1 piece of paper.

Click on this photo for details, it is just too funny!! Jewels . . . 

The next book comes with a lovely note of explanation on how . . .

It is just gorgeous inside. Jewels has more photos and explanation on her blog.

Little book, closed.

Jewels also enclosed a lovely piece of art for me, I cannot help but share it.
Jewels was a Librarian, so it makes perfect sense!

Can you find it on my studio wall with everything I have there?
My friend Joy is visiting and taking a break after traveling, reading in the sun.
She was fascinated by everything up in my studio . . . . 
"Of course you want all those things around you lenna, it is so  h a p p y !"

: ^) keep your little books coming!!
They are due in my hands in 4 weeks -eep!