Thursday, January 30, 2020

All the 'stitchies' have been received!

Yes! All of the entries that will be here for the Feb 1st deadline are in my hands! Note: A few people had to drop this swap . . . I do understand that life happens! It's okay for whatever reason, no worries please. I want to thank you for letting me know, so I wouldn't worry if your stitchies would make it here on time. Now, I can get started on swapping these out, early!! I plan to begin tomorrow, or Saturday, and should have them in the mail to you early next week.

It has been quite enjoyable for me to host again and I am so glad I dusted off the Creative Swaps blog after 3 years and put it to use again. If you enjoyed and would like to participate in the future, let me know either via email. You can find my email via my blogger profile or my website, and both are linked in the sidebar of this blog. I want to thank all of the lovely participants who left encouraging comments for many participants in this swap. So kind of you, so encouraging, and you make me feel very proud!

Yours Creatively, Lenna