Saturday, June 24, 2023

Rena Matus: By the Sea ATC swap

From Rena Matus in Connecticut (my home state) we have 6 ATCs and an extra one, so appreciated. My husband was already eyeing which one I should keep! I know Rena & her sister Dottie (also in our swap) from in-person mixed media classes I taught in CT. So nice to be in contact with them again and have their participation in this swap! 

Rena made some very cool and different fabric ATCs. She told me they were made from fabric, but they were so flexible and yet protected. I asked her how she made them....

"All I used was matte Mod Podge. I brushed a layer on the fabric, added a napkin design, brushed on more, added frontage fragment elements and glitter, then another quick brushing of more mod podge. I did a little bit of stamping on the fabric and added a few white lines. The trick was trying to add my info on the back without it showing through on the front. White gel pen on tissue paper worked the best."

These are definitely a creative response to the by the sea call. Including this one, Rena has now been in 17 creative swaps! So glad to have you in this one, Rena. Thank you!