Friday, June 16, 2023

Sabine Schneider: By the Sea ATC swap

Two sets of 3 ATCs, plus 1 extra one have arrived from Sabine Schneider in Germany! I'm so excited that all the International mail has arrived on time. There is one more week to go... All ATCs need to be in my hands by June 24th. Please let me know if you don't think you can make the deadline, I would appreciate it. I hope you can send them in now, but if not, just let me know. No worries! 

Sabine has made seven fabric ATCs that she sewed to a sturdy paper base. They are so lovely! Thank you, Sabine for all your wonderful fabric and collage art over the years. Can you believe this is Sabine's 17th creative swap! She started doing swaps with me in 2009... that's fabulous.

The time is near . . .Soon I will be swapping all of the ATCs.
You'll have some wonderful mail art & ATCs in your hands, before too long! I aim to swap them out promptly. 

Thanks to everyone!