Swap #4: Shades of White ~ a fabric page/quilties swap - Feb. 25th: This swap is Full and closed to join.
The deadline for this swap is due
in my hands by April 26th, 2008, and late entries will be returned. Participants will create
four 6” x 6” Quilties (fabric pages) in exchange for
four different ones in return. You may create 2 sets of 4 quilties if you wish, trading 8 for 8 (your choice) -no need to tell me in advance how many fabric pages you are creating. As always, a small gift or extra quiltie for the hostess is much appreciated!
1. Your fabric pages
must all be the same size: 6” x 6” - as some participants will take their swap quilties and bind them into a fabric book, create a wall hanging, or make a small lap quilt.
2. Your pages are to be created on a theme of Shades of White. Think winter whites, vintage whites, ecru and white, lace and *light*. You do not have to work ONLY in white; simply with an emphasis on white or shades of white. To give you some ideas, here is what Wikipedia says about white:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White3. You are required to email lenna to see if there is space available in the swap. I will limit the amount of participants to 25-30.
CREATE your quilties! I have some basic instructions on my website to help you get started:
http://www.creativelenna.com/FAQs/faqs.htm. The front and back of the fabric page or quiltie put together with batting in the middle, is considered 1 page. It is up to you whether you decorate both side of your fabric page; you can concentrate on the front of the page and save the back for your contact information. If you prefer, decorate both sides. This is your choice and either way is acceptable! Your Quilties can be
all the same OR
all different. This swap is limited to 30 players (FULL 12/5/07) and due
in my hands April 26th, 2008, full details upon signing up - you will find my email to contact me on my profile page.
Click on any photo for more detail.