From Nina Owens in Texas, some wonderful circle pages. Nina had written in an email to me what she did to create these pages, so I will quote her:
"I had purchased one of those huge embellishment packs from Michaels after the holidays last year which had over 40 different color coordinated embellishment pieces. I decided to use some of those as the starting point for my colors. I also decided to work in colors out of my comfort zone, such as pinks, purples, red, peach. Using the embellishments as the color starting point, I played around with reinkers and alcohol for the backgrounds. They came out rather nicely - but then I was stumped, what to do for the focals? Was going to try stamping, but that didn't look right. That was the point where I considered dropping out.
I decided to go through my old art print catalogs that I got shortly after starting work at Michaels. found some images (Kim Anderson) that were black & white and amazingly enough the touches of color in the photos went exactly with the backgrounds. "
Click on any photo for more detail -- and thanks so much for your pages & your description, Nina!