Cynthia Weed has sent in TWO sets of very cleverly designed Mother Goose ATCs. Two sets of 6 is really fine with me . . . there are plenty of MG ATCs to swap with and I can send 10 back to Cynthia, have an extra one for Leslie at
Alpha Stamps -- plus an extra one for me - Wowser! Thank you, Miz Weed!
Cynthia used images from the fabric sheet
Queen of Hearts #3 - see them along the bottom left of this "just cooking"ATC??
I really like the way Cynthia combined various images and you'll see that the words she used are really different too. Even the BACK of her ATCs are really interesting!! I will show you . . . click on this scan to see it better.

Shown here are the fronts of the 2 sets Cynthia made : )