Dottie Mucha was able to hand deliver her ATCs directly to my mailbox, wow! Since we have moved, Dottie is now a neighbor of mine, what fun! (and so easy for art swaps!) In fact, Dottie will be attending a local workshop I will be teaching called "Quilties" at Sew Inspired in Simsbury CT in just about 2 weeks. : ))
Anyway, Dottie so kindly dropped off 7 ATCs; an extra one for me, 1 for Alpha Stamps - and then Dottie will receive 5 in exchange later this month. Dottie's ATCs are created from The Peter, Pumpkin eater fabric sheet from Alpha Stamps, and she has stamped "The PICK of the PATCH" over the images - it looks just right! Thanks Dottie.