Monday, August 8, 2011

* 1000 posts giveaway! *

This is my 1000 post here on creative swaps and to celebrate I am having a little giveaway -whoo hoo!
Thanks everyone for entering!
I drew on August 14 and Sharon Borsavage, Bobbie Bryan, Ati Ham-Sas, Joanna Urbani and Leigh Sanders were the winners!

All you have to do to enter my 1000 post Giveaway is to leave a comment to this post, here is the link:
To get more than one chance at winning, read "how to enter" below the prize photos. If I don't already have your email in my address book, it must be located somewhere in your blog profile or on your blog. If it isn't, you must leave your email within your comment. Disguise the email if you wish: lenna (at) creativelenna (dot) com or something like that. If I do not have your contact email I will have to pass you by and choose someone else.
Please make sure I have a way to contact you when entering to win - if you want to be able to win!

The prizes: 
  1. One FREE Registration to the creative swap of your choice - to be used by December 31st, 2011. -won by Leigh Sanders of Ruby Barr!
  2. One very large, inspiring collage goodie pack of items picked from my own collage stash, things I like to work with. I'm showing one side below, packed in a clear page protector. Won by Joanna Urbani of Fiddlesnips!

Here is the other side:

everything laid out:

 click for details 

3. one 'fly' ATC ~ original collage ATC -won by Ati Ham-Sas of Ati's Little World!

4. one 'smaller moments' ATC -rubber stamp + paint art won by Sharon Borsavage of Livewire jewelry. : )

5. one 'works in progress' ATC won by Bobbie Bryan of Every woman has her chair! I will show my step by step to on my own personal creativelenna blog. All ATCs by me especially for this special day! 

  • Leave a comment on this post. If you are reading the post in a reader or via email, you are going to need to go to the creative swaps blog, find this post dated 8/8/11 and click where it says comment. 
  • Your comment can be any greeting that you would like to give me. I would love to get feedback on why you participate in, or follow along at creative swaps. Remember comments are moderated and may take time to be published.
  • To have TWO chances at winning the giveaway prizes, place the creative swaps button on your blog or website. Your visitors can then easily come visit me and enter the giveaway too. For THREE chances at winning, write a short blog post about the giveaway and creative swaps. Let me know in your comment that you have done any of these extra things. Please include your blog or site URL so I can go check it out! You will find the code for the button top right sidebar of the blog directly under the  button. Copy this code and then paste it where code is allowed. If you are using Blogger you can add an html Gadget to do this.
  • You are most welcome to tell me which prizes you favor. I cannot guarantee what you may receive, but knowing what you wish for is always helpful to me.
  • The four prizes that will be mailed out will also include mail art from me!
* I will choose 5 names sometime after 8pm EST, FL, USA on Sunday, August 14, 2011 * 

Good Luck! I hope you enjoy this giveaway. 
I certainly have enjoyed posting so many beautiful and creative pieces by all of you!!!!!