Saturday, September 17, 2011

BJ Meier: postcard mail art -last set to arrive!

Today, I received the last set of postcards to make here on time for our mail art postcard swap. The deadline for me to receive was September 17 and this swap is now closed. Barbara Joan (BJ) Meier's postcards landed in my mailbox today all the way from Vancouver, British Columbia! She sent 5 postcards, so there are actually 2 extra (this was a 3 for 3 swap). I think one of the postcards was meant for me, as she enclosed 4 mailing labels for her returns. Sometimes when doing the swapping it doesn't work out evenly, so BJ's extra postcard could definitely come in handy. Thank you!

Thank you, BJ! So glad you could join us. I love your "take" on a summer's day. 

I will start swapping the postcards out on my paper swap chart, and when I get the details all ironed out, I will affix your mailing labels, add the proper postage and send them home to you! I will be back with an update to let you know when all the postcards have been mailed . . . .  and I'll be back on Monday with a few new wonderful Haiku ATCs I have received. I look forward to sharing them with you.