Would anyone like to make a shades of sunshine quiltie and trade 1 for 1 with Fiona (via sending to me first & I will send all of them to her)? You would need to make & send a sunshine quiltie to trade with Fiona for one of hers, to ME by October 18th. (09/27/08 -THANKS, we have 4 participants! ) When I receive your quiltie for Fiona, I will immediately send you back one of Fiona’s. Soon after October 18th (if not before) I will send Fiona ALL of the quilties sent in trade for her quilties.
Thanks to Joanie Hoffman, Joellyn Quinn, Sue Lee and Barbara Roberts for signing up already to trade with Fiona! Below you'll see Fiona's shades of sunshine quilties -- Fiona writes that she stamped & quilted Batik fabric that was embellished with hand made silk paper, transparencies & beads. I so am glad to see them, they are just beautiful! (click on them for more detail, please!)