I have received extra quilties from 2 generous participants; Joellyn Quinn and Sue Lee. They are trading one for one with Fiona, whose quilties were hung up in the mailstream from Scotland and did not get here in time for the swap. Thank you both so much! I know Fiona will be so pleased. Here is Sue Lee's extra sunshine quiltie . . . . so vibrant and beautiful!
And below is a close up of Joellyn's wonderful stitching, followed by a full picture of her quiltie below.

I have sent Sue Lee one of Fiona's quilties already (Sue's arrived the other day) and I will be sending one to Joellyn on Monday : ) After Barbara's & Joanie's quilties for Fiona reach me, I will send them each one, and then package up Fiona's quitie trades and send them to her, yay! I am so grateful for the volunteers so we could include Fiona in the swap, thank you!