Thursday, October 30, 2008
Star Ornament package update
It was good to go visit my parents, but also sad. Last spring, my dad had a tumor in his colon removed and it has now metastasized and moved to his liver. I was able to accompany my parents to one of the Dr appointments about treatment options and it seems the best thing is for my dad to do a course or two of chemotherapy starting soon, and then interventional radiation directly on the liver. My dad is also receiving acupuncture and I am glad his oncologist welcomes this treatment, as it should help dad through the chemotherapy.
I was scared about all of this before I went to see them, but while there, I fell into my parents “one step at a time” philosophy. It has served us all very well. I am wishing and praying that the course of chemotherapy is not too hard for my father and without too many side effects. Steven and I will go visit them again in December.
I know some of you have probably been wondering about my dad if you have been following here for any length of time, and so that is why I share this with you. All I can say is I am glad I have the swaps and my classes to keep my mind otherwise occupied. Thank you!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Star Ornament Swap!
Thanks for sending! I am glad Steven could retreive them as it is good to be here. Very quiet, but good. We see the Dr. at the Interventional Radiation center tomorrow morning and go out in the boat tomorrow afternoon, maybe catch some fish!
xo from lenna
Friday, October 24, 2008
Star Ornament Swap! Jenna Morlock - Ohio

This is Jenna's first creative swap and she has done a wonderful job with her stars! Each one is a little different but with some similarities . . .
Jenna's blog is called: Quilt Crazy Gal Jenna Louise and I think her stars for this swap will be posted there soon. Yes, they are up, with a wonderful description of how she made them. Click on any picture here to see a larger photo and enjoy!
Star Ornament Swap! Doris Stahl - UK

Doris Stahl, aka Odette on her blog, sent in the most colorful paper stars on a wire with smaller paper stars, paper beads and other beads and shells, wow! Doris made a special star ornament for me too -much appreciated, Doris. I still have your valentine ornament hanging up!

I have a little bit more of a close up photo to the right, showing off the beautiful paper Doris used to make the star. You can read and see more on Doris' blog, ArtAffair.

Star Ornament Swap! Donna Butcher - California

Donna Butcher sent in 3 different types of star ornaments. She made 5 for the swap and an extra one for me -thank you! Each one includes a mitten shaped tag, which I think is so sweet -and also appropriate, now that it is getting COLD!
Click on any photo for a larger more detailed picture. Thanks for participating, Donna! I love your variety of stars.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Shades of the Forest Quilties - Bev Teichrob, Victoria BC

Bev has been here on the East Coast of the USA, traveling around the New England area with her husband who had a job to do here - for about a month. When she first arrived here from BC in September, she took a Collage class from me in my studio with 4 other women. It was great fun & you can read about it here. Bev asked if there was another class she could take before she headed back home and we arranged for a different class for her to do on October 18th - more on that later, on my creative lenna blog! When Bev came for class on that day, she brought her finished Shades of the Forest Quilties, all stiched by hand while she was traveling! She had prepared herself by bring the fabric & needed supplies with her and she said she quite enjoyed doing them. So much so that Bev created two sets of 4 quilties and and extra one for me. Thanks so much Bev, and I hope you have arrived home safely now. What a treat is was to meet you in person!

Monday, October 20, 2008
New Swap - Alpha Stamps Alice in Wonderland ATCs

Due Jan 24, 2009 February 3rd, 2009: an Alpha Stamps Alice in Wonderland ATC swap (9 for 9)
After seeing the many interesting and beautiful Alice in Wonderland images offered by Alpha Stamps, I could not help but decide to host an ATC swap using them! The swap specs:
– create and send in nine ATCs. Receive nine in return (one will be your own)
– Each ATC MUST use an Alpha Stamps Alice in Wonderland image from any of the image sheets, paper dolls, stickers, or rubber stamps available at Alpha Stamps. This includes the Tea and Tea party related collage images and rubber stamps. As long as you have something Alpha Stamps and Alice in Wonderland, you are good to go!
– your images (from sheets) may be card stock (paper), fabric, clear sticker or transparency – as Alpha Stamps offers all of these choices
– Create the base of your ATCs from fabric, paper, thin wood, acrylic, or anything you can imagine as long as it fits into a clear nine pocket plastic holder . . .
– All ATCs must be sent to me in a nine-pocket holder (look for baseball card sleeve)
– All ATCs must be 2.5” x 3.5” in size (6.4 cm x 8.9 cm)
– your design can be either landscape or portrait orientation
– Any media can be used in creating these ATCs
– your ATCs may be ALL the SAME design, ALL different, or a mix – 3 of 3 or whatever. It is your choice.
– If you wish to be included in the swap, your ATCS must be in my hands by: Saturday, Jan 24, 2009 I have extended the due date because of the winter holidays to:
Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009! Each participant will receive a custom 'thank you' collage sheet as a gift from Alpha Stamps plus the chance to win a special *First Prize* for the most creative ATCs. Besides the collage sheet, Alpha Stamps’ owner Leslie Elledge is also donating an Alice in Wonderland Tarot Card Deck as the first prize, wow. Thank you, Leslie!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Star Ornament Swap! Lisa Mallette - Florida

Lisa has her own blog, Studio Rose where you can read more about them and see more of her art! Lisa wrote and said she always looks forward to my swaps -- Thank you, Lisa. I always look forward to you participating in my swaps!!

Click on any picture for more detail.
Star Ornament Swap! Kate North - UK

Kate has a blog where she posted her ornaments & wrote about them. Check it out here! Her blog is filled with lots of interesting art, mostly quilt & fibre -she is very busy and prolific! A close up of Kate's stars is here:

Monday, October 13, 2008
Shades of the Forest Quilties - Wil Opio Oguta, Netherlands

Shades of the Forest Quilties - Sue Lee, South Dakota

Sue enclosed a note,
"This was another fun quiltie swap, I'm finding I really enjoy making them. A friend gave me permission to use some of her photos, so that's where I started. I also used Batik fabric with leaves, charms and artificial leaves. Thank you for hosting this swap, I know there is a lot of work involved. It is such a treat to see what everyone does. Thanks, Sue"

Star Ornament Swap! Mieke Bronkers - The Netherlands

One set is soft fabric stars, beaded and decorated with small buttons and little poly clay faces. The other set of star ornaments are created from beaded wire and cool bottle caps that Mieke decorated on the inside. : ^ )
click on any photo for a closer look

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunshine Quilties

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Star Ornament Swap!
click on any picture for details and a larger picture!

The last two stars with the black background were created on watercolour paper and feature images from Alpha Stamps collage sheets - the blue star uses an image from The Moon & Stars Fabric Sheet and the black & white star's image comes from the wonderful Alchemical Spheres collage sheet.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
More sunshine . . . .

I have received extra quilties from 2 generous participants; Joellyn Quinn and Sue Lee. They are trading one for one with Fiona, whose quilties were hung up in the mailstream from Scotland and did not get here in time for the swap. Thank you both so much! I know Fiona will be so pleased. Here is Sue Lee's extra sunshine quiltie . . . . so vibrant and beautiful!
And below is a close up of Joellyn's wonderful stitching, followed by a full picture of her quiltie below.

I have sent Sue Lee one of Fiona's quilties already (Sue's arrived the other day) and I will be sending one to Joellyn on Monday : ) After Barbara's & Joanie's quilties for Fiona reach me, I will send them each one, and then package up Fiona's quitie trades and send them to her, yay! I am so grateful for the volunteers so we could include Fiona in the swap, thank you!