Shame on me for not mentioning my new project on the creative swaps blog yet! It's a collaborative book arts class that will be taught online by 4 different artists, covering 4 different aspects of book arts. Can you guess that one of the collaborating artists is me?! This new workshop will be taught "live" from February 20th - March 18th with a Flickr group for sharing your art as you move through the lessons. The instructors and your fellow classmates can comment on the class work you upload and in my experience, this has been a friendly, caring, nurturing environment. I've always learned a lot and often been very inspired by what I saw in similarly organized classes by Mary Green of
Green Paper. She is organizing this workshop too! The
4 artists 4 ways password protected blog used for distributing the lessons will stay open indefinitely, giving you plenty of time to work at your own pace. If this sounds like your cup of tea, go to
Artful Pages - 4 artists 4 ways to learn more about what we will be offering and to sign up! I'll give you an idea, a sneak peak of some of the things covered in my lessons below. My portion will be 3 lessons (out of 12) on Artful Altered Books and I can't wait!
I will teach you about gel medium transfers -
this one was done directly in my sample book. |
various page backgrounds for your artwork will be discussed
-this is just one i will teach you! |
And LOTs more!! |
I hope to see you in this workshop!
Click on the banner or the link above to find out more!