Saturday, January 1, 2011

The first swap entry has arrived for the first swap of 2011: Susan Stewart!

Oh how it made me smile to receive the first swap entry in the mail yesterday for the very first creative swap of the new year, Vintage note cards! The note cards and envelopes that came in are from my friend Susan Stewart, who lives in the same town as me! (We met at a local Zentangle ATC swap.) Susan's note cards are beautiful and oh, so delightful. Thank you so much for the gift of an extra one, Susan . . . . and I am so pleased to see you used some of the images I sent in the PDFs!

the front - gorgeous!!

back & matching envelope

front & matching envelope

Just beautiful! I love the metallic fibers you added
Steven likes the boat image!

wonderful! Steven likes this one the best : )
The old postcard turned out great!

Thanks for breaking the ice, Susan! 
I'm looking forward to receiving lots more sets. 
Happy creative new year to all of YOU!!