More than 100 artists worldwide have donated 235 fiber collages to benefit the American Cancer Society -- and I am one of them! You can see one of my donated collages, to your right. The other one can be seen on my
art blog. Both will be available for purchase by a donation to the American Cancer Society. Where? On Virginia Speigel's website! Collage Mania will be held May 5th and 6th with a preview of all the collages (so you can shop before buying!) beginning on April 28. More information is available on
Virginia Spiegel's website -she is the organizer of the event. * * *100% of the proceeds are donated directly to the American Cancer Society, through Fiberart For A Cause, which has already donated more than $150,000 towards cancer research and education in the past three years. WOW. I am very proud to be a part of this and hope you will support it too! This cause is close to my heart as cancer has touched my family more than once. Both of my collages are in honor of my father, who is still in rehab/nursing care after the removal of a cancerous tumor this past March.
Sincerely and creatively yours, lenna