From Beverley Teichrob in Victoria, BC we have received TWO sets of white Quilties . . . plus, Beverley created an extra quiltie for me!! When I was speaking with Beverley via email, she told me she was going to create 3 sets of white quilties; 2 sets of 4 to send in for the swap and one set of 4 that she would keep to put together with the others thst she receives in trade via our swap! Beverley wrote, "We've just painted our small powder room a dark colour, and a "shades of white" art hanging should look great in there...12 of them to make a square, reflected in a new large round mirror."
Isn't that a great idea? One to tuck away if you are still making quilties for this swap (due here in my hands 4/26/08) or if you are involved in the
Shades of Spring Quilties swap due July 19th . . . the July Quilties swap is closed now, but I am taking names on a waiting list in case someone has to drop out - you could take their place!

Click on any photo for greater detail. Beautiful!
For the back of her Quilties, Beverly printed her info and a psalm that is important to her onto fabric and then attached this piece to the back of each Quiltie.

Thank you, Beverley!