Margaux Lashbrook from Scotland, UK has sent in 4 collages for our swap, plus two extra - wow!
Margaux told me she loves the Brother's Grimm tales, but found herself getting rather cynical while creating her collages! Below is the back of one . . .

Margaux wrote me an email to explain her motivation while creating her swap pieces: "It started with the first one, having neatly drawn and cut out a silver slipper to add to the Cinders picture, I thought of the high heels so beloved in my youth and which I have recently rediscovered the joy of wearing! So I had to make some high heeled fluffy totally impractical creation instead, which led to the thought of Manolo Blahnik. (Note -this is a fancy shoe designer for those like me who are not in-the-know) Having created one slightly silly collage it seemed appropriate to continue the theme, and since Cinderella is all about 'being rescued by your prince', a concept I am not in favour of, preferring to advocate independence and freedom to live your life, the cynicism naturally won out. Having said that I do love romance! So, to answer the obvious questions, the answer is yes, I am separated, and I do absolutely detest ironing......... All the collages that are coming in look fantastic. It must be such fun for you to see these arrive."
YES! This really is one of the best parts of hosting swaps for me, Margaux is right. I love seeing what everyone comes up with when given a theme and I really enjoyed seeing Margaux's take on this theme. If you click on the pictures you may be able to read the funny things Margaux added . . . .
"Oh dear, too late! Don't let him stifle your creativity."
"He found his true bride. Run my dear! He just wants you to do his ironing!"
"At your feet? Keep him there!"
The images Margaux used come from these collage sheets on this page at Alpha Stamps -Midnight #1, The Ball #2 and The Happily Ever After.