Just a note to let you know I am working on this swap! I have done all the physical "swapping" of the pieces - yay! The swapped ATCs are all still sitting on top of the mailing envelopes on the floor and haven't been packaged up yet. I need to add the gift collage sheet and the snippet pack from our generous Carol Murphy, not to mention add the extra ATC Carol made for everyone! But I am getting there and would guess I'll be mailing it out late tomorrow afternoon or early friday morning. It will be worth any wait! The ATCs from this swap are just grand and you are going to love your packages I think. Thanks for your hard work! I will let you know when everything is mailed.
I also have 2 packages for the Brothers' Grimm Swap here that I need to open & scan. I will get to that soon : ) I am trying to wrap everything up before we leave on Sunday to visit my parents for a week. My dad is doing much better last I heard. There are some test results that everyone is waiting for in regard to the infections he was battling and seems to have conquered. Thank you very much for all your thoughts & prayers. I will have access to a computer next week (June 1-8) but obviously I won't be receiving any swap packages -- so any uploading will have to wait till my return!
yours creatively, Lenna