How about a few reminders, instead:
- The Altered by Design ATC Swap --*Angels*Divas*Fairies* is due in my hands 2 weeks ONE WEEK(!) from Saturday, on May 24th. I have received 7 packages so far and expect about 15 more! This swap is still open to join, if you can acquire the required ABD collage sheet(s) and get your ATCs to me on time! Email me if you are game.
- The Alpha Stamps Brothers Grimm fairy tale 5x5 collage swap is due in my hands next month, on June 28th. The collage sheet images designed for this are simply beautiful! I just created a soft fabric book with them and love it. This swap is also still open to join -Please Email me for details.
- The 'Shades of spring' (brown & robin's egg blue) 6x6 Quilties swap is due to be received by me on July 19th!! This swap is closed to join, with a waiting list. Our last Quilties swap was a fantastic one and I am sure this one will be too. Thanks for letting me know the white quilties arrived & also for all your lovely comments! More Quiltie swaps are in the planning stages . . .
- Also, I will be announcing a few new swaps soon. I plan on making the announcements either later this week or early next week. You can sign up for email notifications via Blogarithm (a free service, located in the sidebar to the right) and be the first to know when this blog is updated with things like new swap calls! As soon as I write out the details and make sure my ideas are well organized, I will announce new swaps due in August & September.
= : ^ )
Thanks! I hope to be back soon with more swap art!
creatively yours, lenna