I have just caught up with all the recent packages that have flown into my mailbox lately, whew! There are quite a few new posts below, so enjoy! You are welcome to make comments to the blog or email me, but everything will be *held* for 2 weeks until we return as we are going sans-computers. Our mail is being picked up, but I will not be able to alert you of the arrival of your swap package until I return. I will finish scanning the Itty Bitty swap during the week of the 11th and hopefully get it sent out the week of the 18th ~ that's my plan!
All of the brown & robin's egg blue quilties were sent out on July 23rd and most have reached their destinations -- a few have a bit farther to go! I have just a couple of new swaps to announce that will carry us through the year's end, but I am waiting until probably August 15th or 16th to announce them so I can be here to sign participants up!
Steven and I are really looking forward to visiting Wolfe Island again. We are towing up my father's handmade Melonseed 15 ft wooden sailboat, and bringing one of his handmade canoes too. It is a long drive to Ontario (about 7 hrs) and a ferry ride, but we don't mind! I will catch up with everything when I return. Have a great 2 weeks and keep creative!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
On vacation ::: July 27 - Aug 10
Row House Swap: Linda Kunsman ~ Pennsylvania

Row House Swap: Janice Perkin
Itty Bitty Collage swap: Jo~Ann Reichert

Jo~Ann used free motion stitching for the sun as well as clay, texture paint and acrylic paint. She says that Diamond Glaze makes the water shine and she added embellishments of shells and coins to add interest to her Itty Bittys. Here they all are -- and thanks for the extra Itty Bitty for me!
Itty Bitty Collage swap: Janice Perkin

We are lucky to have Janice from Warrington, UK joining us again. She created 6 wonderful Itty Bitty collages based on what summer means to her. I am also including a look at the back of her collages -- if you click on the photo you may be able to read some of the cool places in the UK Janice has visited in the summers!

Thanks, Janice : ^ )
Itty Bitty Collage swap: Cathy Johnson

Cathy Johnson, who leads the Fabric in Altered Art yahoo group, has joined us in another swap -hooray! Cathy has put together a favorite paper image with stitching to create her 3"x3" Itty Bitty collages, her first. Please go to her blog to read more about how she made them and learn about her yahoo group!
Itty Bitty Collage swap: Letha Richardson

See more of Letha's art on her blog.
Itty Bitty Collage swap: Caroline Outz Hay

Shades of Sunshine Quilties: Norma Bullen

Norma added some directions for us, too. She wrote that she started by making a sheet of fabric paper with serviettes (paper napkins)magazine clippings, other photos, paint, stamps, etc. She hand painted white panne velvet with dye-na-flow paints by Jacquard in hot pink, yellow & scarlet. Norma said she loved how that came out -- me too! Then Norma copied her fabric paper collage onto printer fabric and cut out portions to used, teamed them up with Alpha Stamps fabric images from the bathing beauty sheet. Next, she machine quilted the background, and embellished with hand painted lace, beads & flowers. The "lifesaver" is a washer covered with sparkly threads. The words were printed with a clear dyno labeler and Norma says they came from the depths of her brain : ^ )
Awesome! Thank you, Norma. I am so happy I can choose one for myself!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
update: Shades of Spring/ Brown+Blue Quilties
If you did not see my earlier note - we will be GONE July 27 - Aug 10 to beautiful Wolfe Island, across from Kingston in Ontario, Canada. I have elected NOT to bring a laptop computer & hook up to a dial-up service this year, so I will be out of touch those 2 weeks. There will be someone here taking care of the cats and collecting my mail, so please continue to send in your swaps for the Itty Bitty collages, Row House Swaps, or the Shades of Sunshine Quilties. If you have any questions about those swaps, please email me this week, before the 27th! Thanks : ) I will let you know when the Brown & Blue Quilties are zooming their way towards their new homes!
Shades of Sunshine Quilties: Louise Lucero

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Sandra Skies Ludwig

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Andrea Millington

Andrea Millington, from the UK has created some more unusual brown & blue quilties - please visit her blog for a detailed account on how she made these! She goes by the name of "Indigo Blue" and has a website and more where you can see beautiful handcrafted items that she makes & sells.
Andrea did write and tell me about her pieces:
My swaps: I scanned in some wallpaper then printed it on fabric which is paper backed.I then used fabric pens to highlight key areas.Used Machine embroidery on top of this, plus glittery tee shirt transfer paper, brads and a bit of felt to add to the quilties.
Very cool!

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Michele Witchell

Wonderful stitching, Michele! I love your flowers at the bottom of each quiltie. Sorry for the plastic bags on the quilties, but they were stapled at the top & I did not want to rip the bags when removing them for photographing . . . .
Michele has been a featured guest artist at Alpha Stamps and you can also visit her blog here!

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Dawn Sellers

Dawn also created an extra nice label for the back of her quilties, complete with birds, and she varied the old brown & blue buttons she used for the front of her peices. Dawn wrote about creating her quilties on her blog and you can see a nice close-up of one of them on her flickr photo site! Enjoy.

Friday, July 18, 2008
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Terri Murphy

Terri very kindly created an extra quiltie for me and proceeded to wrap mine up with brown & blue ribbons (with some Earl Grey tea tucked inside). Thank you, Terri!

You can read more about Terri's quilties on her blog!
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Joanie Hoffman

Joan also enclosed a note saying she hoped my dad is doing well, and yES! So sorry if I have not written about that - life seems extra busy lately. My dad is doing well. He has come leaps & bounds after his illness(s) - a pacemaker, stint, angio seal, arthritis in his back, an ulcer, a stroke, a cancerous tumor in his colon, 2 infections and tons of antibiotics all in 4 months -sheesh. Fortunately, he got through it all and is recovering and getting stronger. Physical Therapy is helping a lot. I talk to my parents often (they are in FL - I am in CT). Thanks for asking, Joanie! I hope you don't mind I wrote my answer publicly as I am sure I have forgotten to update others who are also wondering! My dad is purchasing a new computer (with help from Steven who is a senior level tech/computer system architect) and he really seems well, considering. Surgery for my dad in the future (reverse the colostomy) but nothing is a rush; when he is stronger. Thanks!
We will be on vacation!
: ^ ) we are visiting Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada: July 27 - August 10. Continue to send your swaps, PLEASE! Someone will be here picking up the mail (your packages!), watching the house and snuggling with the cats!
I will be here for another week or so, adding more uploads & swaping out the shades of spring: Brown & Blue Quilties. Lovely work! More posts on that soon. : ) Lenna
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Fiona Brockie

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Rose Momsen

Oh my! Rose Momsen from WA sent in 2 sets of quilties with an extra in each bunch for me! Your generosity is really appreciated, Rose.
I could get lost looking at Rose's quilties. All the stitching, the colours, and the true 'mini quilt' look of her quilties just draws me in. Thanks for participating, Rose!
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Gayle Gross
Itty Bitty Collage swap: Teri Calia

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Sue Lee

From Sue Lee in Sioux Falls, SD we have 5 really interesting brown & blue quilties! As you read along, if you are wondering why you see so many quiltie posts in a row . . . all quilties are due here on the 19th of July so everyone is scrambling to get them sent in on time. I am expecting about a dozen more before Saturday!
Take a look at Sue's quilties by clicking on any photo for more detail. They are so great! Thanks, Sue!

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Sara Davis

Thanks very much for participating, Sara!

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Patricia Schweitzer
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Leah C.

Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Joellyn Quinn
Shades of Spring/Brown + Blue Quilties: Jennifer Rogers-Daniels
Shades of Spring/ Brown + Blue Quilties: Donna Butcher