I have an inkling of an idea of who will win the prize for the most creative collages but I am going to wait until I get all the swap pieces uploaded here before I make my final decision. I have the beautiful gift collages sheets for all of the participants as well as the first prize for the winner from Alpha Stamps in my hands and ready to give out. This is getting quite exciting!
Tomorrow I will upload the final swap pieces that came in right before the deadline. They are all prepared (there were A LOT of them). It will be worth the wait as they are gorgeous! You can also go to the Alpha Stamps gallery (link above) to view the swap peices.
Oh! ~ More about my swap related workload of scanning, editing & posting that I wrote about last week . . . if you did not see my earlier comment to the last post, here is my plan: What I have decided to do as far as sharing swap art in the future is to scan one or two pieces myself and then add a link (if available) to the participant's art, if they have uploaded their swap art to their own blog, pictureTrail, Flickr account or other account for sharing photos. This saves me the time of scanning, cropping, resizing and uploading all of the pieces. By forcing myself to limit what I do, it will cut my workload, which is getting too large, but still give a taste of each participants' art by showing a representation of their art. If there are MORE photos available because the participant has scanned and uploaded photos herself, then I will be happy to publish the link if you send it to me. Deal?? Thanks to everyone who wrote me and gave suggestions! : ) lenna