We have received 6 really gorgeous & detailed Row Houses from Leslie Hanson in Oregon. I so appreciate the gift of the extra house, Leslie! It will be hard to pick which one . . . Today, I started decorating with the "extras" by hanging up a row house in my studio, way up high on one of the beams that runs across the room. Cynthia Weed had put her extra house for me in with a bag of yummy, yummy goodies . . . so when I brought those out to my studio, I hung her house up! I think it will be a wonderful display as I add to it & I am sure to take photos to share with you.
I am so glad you are all enjoying the swap -tomorrow is the deadline. I have packages here from Linda Schultz, Nicole Austin, Cathy Johnson & Mary Goodrow that just arrived today & need to be photographed and uploaded. Plus, I am hoping for a few more to arrive tomorrow!