Dottie created 11 -Two sets of houses, plus 1 for me! I know this is not always possible, but I do appreciate the extra as a gift. Thank you! And I think the texture on these houses is the result of her play date with her sister Rena? Yes! Dottie wrote and told me how she got this texture:
"And, yes the bachground technique was similar to the one Rena & I played with. We first did alcohol inks on glossy paper, then used the fusible web then embossing powder. With the houses, I used the fusible web then put on embossing powder and for the teal ones I also sprayed them with Radiant Rain "Fern" (color). I did the edges with an Encore stamp pad (teal). I painted a few of the fairy houses with Golden's Titan Buff then did the fusible web and embossing powder. I think I gave you one of these. Most are the fusible web and embossing powder. I filled in areas and the edges with an Encore pad (pink)." Dottie
Here are some more views of Dottie's art - enjoy!