I made a list of those who commented to my original post . . . cut the list of names into little strips . . . put all of them into one of my winter hats, and drew out 10 names for 10 prizes!!

I have 3 winners for a FREE swap registration:
Nina Owens, Cindy McMath and Cat Dodt Ellis!!
The winner of the book Creating Romantic Purses is: Frieda Oxenham!!
The Collage Pack was won by: Carolyn Outz Hay!!
The Santa Stamp was won by: Lisa Mallette ; )
The Frame Stamp was won by Rena Matus!
The Octagon collaged Box created by me was won by: Kate North!
The Expression magazine with my autographed article was won by: Gunnel Svensson : )))
And . . . the Fabric Collage created by me, especially for this give-away was won by . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Barbara Roberts - wow! CONGRATULATIONS to ALL!
~ Thanks to everyone who left a comment to let me know why you enjoy visiting this blog. Your kind words were appreciated very much . . . If I do not have your mailing address already through the swaps I will contact you over the weekend - or feel free to contact me first -happy day!