Linda wrote to me in email:
Ah….my estrellas [stars]! While my sister in law is being a warrior chick, as I like to call her, with her cancer and becoming weaker each day - at least she is at home, her wish and she is as comfortable as one can be under these circumstances----I had trouble getting my “mojo” working but when I did…..the ease and solitude found in creating has helped me through these difficult days. It is this—this creativeness that helps one get through some of life’s most difficult paths. So, my estrellas gave me a light! The “estrellas” were a mix of this ‘n that… a first time for the melting pot. I always try to stretch myself on art exchanges and your exchanges bring out that spirit of sharing and giving. I wholeheartedly enjoy it. The moon faces in paper clay and other molds using the ultra thick with Jacquard paint lightly done. Previously, the adobe casas (row house swap) was my first try at polymer clay chilies and that was fun. A friend shared her techniques and made it so much easier.
Big hug mi amiga, Linda ~Tierra Encantada (Land of Enchantment)
Thank you, Linda for all your art & your support.