Saturday, November 6, 2010

Teri Calia: Mail Art swap

I received three envelopes from Teri Calia today, whoo whoo! I am so sorry that Jo-Ann Reichert's other two envelopes have not arrived yet . . . she sent 3 out to me on Monday and on Thursday, one arrived. All I can say is that sometimes the regular mail can take a week to reach me, so make sure you mail early. Everything has to be here by December 4th to count for the swap!
I created a new blog header today and used one of Jo-Ann's envelopes-you can see the top of the blog!

Now on to Teri's wonderful envelopes:
beautiful handmade envelopes!
Thank you, Teri!
The backs 

love these! Such awesome handwriting Teri has.

I guess I will decide to open these envelopes as they come in and I see what the situation is! I could tell Teri had enclosed something . . . she used a type of masking tape that seemed re-seal-able and I was curious, so I opened one of her envelopes. She enclosed a card with some of her artwork the (the main image is not shown here) and some cool die-cut pieces. Very sweet! I may not open your envelopes unless there is an extra one for me - or it seems do-able and something is inside. Then I might open one. Remember, you may send them empty! You can always email me instructions or write your wishes directly on the envelope. It is going to be a delightful month for me receiving your mail and soon I will start working on all the mail art envelopes I will need to create to send your returns home in. Looking forward to it! 

Let me know if you have any questions, : ) lenna