Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sabine Schneider: Mail ART swap!

Dear Sabine in Germany, is partaking in I believe her 8th creative swap!! She always does something creative, and 9 times out of 10 she does it with fabric. It is a joy to have her in our mail art swap! I almost forgot to say, Sabine has an art blog, Color Fly. She wrote about her envelopes and the swap, in German of course as that is where she is from, "Es ist einfach der Wahnsinn, was da alles für schöne Post verschickt wird!" --Which Google translated for me as, "It is simply the madness, all of which will be sent to postal beautiful there!"  : ^ ))

Sabine's envelopes are created from some kind of interfacing I think (heavy duty - Lutradur) that she painted. I remember when she sent them off she told me in an email, "I sewed so little!"

I am certainly enjoying! Thanks for the extra - xo

So grand to have mail art/art mail all the way from Germany
 - thank you, Sabine!!!!