The first complete set of mail art envelopes have landed in my mailbox all on the same day, from my very good friend
Frieda Oxenham in Peebleshire, Scotland, UK! We were wondering if they would arrive on the same day, or not? I found them all in my mailbox today, along with a beautiful Halloween envelope from
JoAnn Reichert. Last week I also received one envelope from
Marianne Baugher and one from Marjorie Jumisco. I have added Marjorie's and Marianne's envelopes to the blog header and when all of their swap pieces come in I will share them in a post! Here is what I feasted my eyes upon when I saw Frieda's envelopes:
The postage stamps she chose are really cool!! |
I love the fact that the envelopes look like a quilt -- Frieda is an award-winning quilter! |
The backs are wonderful! |
Frieda went an extra mile and made fabric postcards to go inside her beautiful envelopes. Just the envelope would have been just fine! The recipients of these envelopes will be so lucky! Frieda sent 4 envelopes when 3 is the requirement, so I got to choose one to keep for myself. I had to pick blindly, not knowing which postcard was inside -I had seen them all on
Frieda's blog post. Funny thing was, when I opened the envelope, there was one of my favorites! Thank you so much, Frieda. : ^ )
What a lovely way to start showcasing all of the mail art swap pieces! I cannot wait to see yours! Remember to add your return address and if possible, either email me & tell me, or write a note on your envelope if it is EMPTY and should not be opened, thanks! Also, all of your envelopes and postcards should be mailed separately, sent directly through the mail, to me. Have Fun! I am thinking I should send 3 envelopes to myself from the local post office to swap out with the rest!!