Monday, November 29, 2010

amazing variety and numbers!

Thanks to all of you in this swap and your fantastic mail art, I am really enjoying hosting the mail art swap even though it is a big undertaking. Look at the 16 pieces of mail that were stacked up in my mailbox today!
Wow! from Australia, Rhode Island, Texas, and Missouri!

It is hard to believe but . . . I have received a total of 157 pieces of mail art from 41 participants - and we are not done yet! I will share more completed sets with you soon, from Rebecca Clarke, Ashlee Gilliam, Marilyn Butler and Sharon Walworth : ^ ) Thank you, ladies!

Yesterday I tried making some fabric envelopes from 2 pieces of fabric and a piece of interfacing. It worked out pretty well! I am up to 37 return envelopes now that I have created or decorated. I have a few more to make but that is okay! ; ^ ) More participants have sent their mail art off today and more is on the way . . .  so we might be pretty close to a full participation list!!! Yay! 
Mail Art certainly makes me smile when I open my mailbox.  :  ^ ) 

fabric envelopes by lenna

envelopes for the swap returns!

see you in the mail -- the mailbox is the museum!!