Monday, September 24, 2012

Prayer Flag Swap Sharing!

As promised, here is a "link list" for swap participants to add a link for one of two things . . . a blog post you've written about your received prayer flags with photos, or if you don't have a blog, a specific link to a photo of your hanging flags from a photo sharing account like flickr or picasa (or any other account). Just share a link to a photo or post you've uploaded! Here's a helpful page from InLinkz on how to add a link to the "link list" below.

Below are the results from our artist Prayer Flag swap, which was completed and sent out on September 19, 2012. Click on any thumbnail below to view photos of the participant's received prayer flags, hanging up in the breeze and spreading wishes and prayers!

Swap participants: To enter this link list you must use a link that is specific (not the URL for your entire blog or website). Copy the URL address from the browser window for just your specific post or photo. Come back here and press the blue inlinkz button to add your link. Follow the easy instructions to share your link and you are done. I can't wait to see your flags hanging!

List remains open until November 23, 2012.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, September 17, 2012

making way: prayer flag swap

Just a note to keep you updated . . . I have made my paper list of all the participants and figured out the swapping of the prayer flags -ON PAPER! That is the first step for me, and a big one. Once I have mapped out the swap on paper and what goes where, or rather to whom, all that is left to do is to physically swap it - then package them all up and mail them. But I don't have to do anymore thinking about who might like this or that or worry if it will come out evenly. It is always a relief for me to have a guideline in my hands before opening your packages up again! Thanks to all who enclosed pre-addressed envelopes or labels for recycling their mailing envelopes. This will truly bring your returns home more quickly to you.

In doing the swapping on paper and using the blog to view everything as I swapped, I noted that I received 20, yes twenty prayer flags as gifts. I am astounded and so very grateful! I can't wait for the part of this swap where we can take photos of our prayer flags hanging up. My backyard is going to be festooned and full of good prayers and wishes because of YOU! Thank you ever so much. i will report back when they are mailed!  : ) lenna

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jan Brown - Prayer Flag Swap!

For the final installment of our prayer flags we have 4 wonderful flags from Jan Brown -she so nicely included a flag for me. Jan was the last person to sign up for this swap. I only took 40 participants and she was really happy to get in. So it is fitting that she has the final blog post! Her flags are special; she included sprigs of lavender from her own garden. You can read some great details about these flags on Jan's blog, Frippery and there's a note from me at the bottom of this post!

Below is the flag Jan made for me. Serendipitously, she added rosemary to my lavender sprig, my favorite herb. She said she was drawn to using this fabric and sensed "home" was important to me, right again! Just lovely. Thanks so much! 

I have a total of 36 packages that made it here on time! I think I may take a day off tomorrow as Steven and I have planned a drive to Casey Key and later we'll visit with my mom in the evening. But I will get straight to making the exchanges and packaging things up on Monday. It may take me a few days but I will keep you posted. I aim to exchange like-minded work, something you will enjoy and appreciate. Wish me luck! 

Kim Tedrow - Prayer Flag swap!

Just in the nick of time, Kim's prayer flags arrived today in my mailbox. Kim has recently moved house and told me, "I forgot how long it would take to get functional in my studio. In fact, I had to stop unpacking and organizing today because the deadline is approaching and I needed to get something done for it!"

Well, she certainly got down to it! I have known Kim via the internet & art swaps for a long time, perhaps 7-10 years? Since the early days of ARTchix Studio when we met on the corresponding yahoo group that was in place at the time. And since Kim has just moved, how appropriate that her flags have a home sweet home vibe. update: Kim has written a post about how she made these on her blog - a wonderful descriptive post! Kim is a great collage artist (you can see on her blog) and some of her earlier prayer flags inspired me as I was organizing my ideas for this swap. Thanks, Kim!

: 0 ) 

Sharon Borsavage - Prayer flag swap!

From Sharon Borsavage, my dear online art friend in Pennsylvania, we have 4 beautiful and artfully put together prayer flags. Sharon wrote a note and enclosed it with her flags:

I made my prayer flags with religious images I put on fabric by running muslin through my printer with freezer paper on the back to stabilize. I then sewed the images on using various stitch patterns  and free form stitching. (I love this!) I attached vintages laces in a collage style with my sewing machine and hand stitched on vintage buttons. I attached a vintage medal to each one. Whatever your belief, faith is part of it. Thank you, Sharon - so lovely!

The photos here on the creative swaps blog are of each entire flag, but Sharon has some delicious close ups on her blog. She is also a gifted jewelry maker and art journalist so go check her out!

click on any prayer flag for more detail, then click again!

Sharon also spoiled me with a marvelous mail art envelope!

gorgeous and very appreciated! 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Barbara Johnson - Prayer Flag Swap!

From Barbara Johnson in Illinois, we have some wonderfully interesting and beautiful Rust-Dyed prayer flags. Barbara did this dying herself and it sounds quite exciting. Below is her letter to me explaining how -click on it if you need to see it bigger -then click again if you see a + sign. At the top of her note is some fabric she gifted me. : )

This is the back to show how she packaged them, each on an individual piece of lightweight card stock and strung through the opening sleeve of the prayer flag! 

I love these flags, Barbara! thanks so much for the description and the fabric for me!!!

Julie Wolkoff - Prayer Flag swap!

These flags are from Julie in Massachusetts. There are 3 for the swap and one for me, thank you! Julie has more photos and some great details on how she made them on her blog, Fabric and Fiber and Book (oh my).

Julie has a great explanation of the one below on her blog.

the back -

 This one Julie made especially for me with some of her own hand dyed fabric. 
I am thankful - it's soft & beautiful! It says: compassion.

This one has a wish for healing.

 I love the back!

I love the variety in Julie's and in the entire swap.
So inspiring! 

Sabine Schneider - prayer flag swap!!

Oh my goodness, Sabine's flags to 5 weeks to reach me from Germany! I am so glad she sent early and I was so very happy to find them in my mailbox today. So was she!!
Sabine packaged her flags so nicely I scanned them just as she sent them, but I also have a link to her blog so you can see them "out of the package."  : )

There are two like this . . . .

And two like this (thank you Sabine!)

Please visit Sabine's blog, ColorFly to see them all opened up! 

Besides making a flag for me, Sabine sent a hand stamped card and some goodies -lucky me!

I can't thank you enough!
There are also flags from Barbara Johnson and Julie Wolcoff here, and I will share them tomorrow afternoon or evening. I have a routine colonoscopy scheduled tomorrow morning . . . it's very important for me to do, especially because of my dad's colon cancer history. So I will be back later . . .  hopefully more packages will be waiting for me in the mailbox when Steven brings me home from the procedure. Well, enough on that subject and I am sure to get caught up soon. Thanks to everyone participating for doing such a fabulous job with this swap. xo lenna

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Paula Chizmar - Prayer Flag swap!

From Paula in Maine, we have 4 prayer flags - 3 for the swap and one as a gift for me. I can't thank you all enough for your generosity. It was not a requirement to send an extra flag for me and I was not expecting it ... but many of you have and I thank you!

Paula made 3 flags out of a lovely soft sage green fabric with a bit of a vintage napkin or handkerchief on top. I can just imagine these swaying in the breeze, mmm! This one was a little different than the other two similar ones. It had a bird charm and a silvery moon.

The one below was made with a cotton print and features both butterfly wings and angel wings. the message is: Love.

I love the prayer/wish Paula stamped on these sage green flags.

Thanks so much for joining us! This is Paula's first Creative Swap.

I am expecting 8 more packages today, tomorrow or Saturday and then we will wrap this swap up! Please drop me a quick email if you know your package will not make it by the 15th. Thanks! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Constance Taylor - Prayer Flag SWAP!

I must say I was at first in awe, then inspired, amazed and impressed with Constance's envelope that arrived the other day. As I pulled it from my mailbox, I said -- Oh my! I'm simply in love with mail art and this is definitely a pièce de résistance. The envelope is completely made of fabric and she has painted and stamped it and also sewed paper on (the face). Constance used a large needle and thread to sew up the open side after she inserted her flags. What do you think?

Thank you so much Constance for this gift of your time and art. I am in LOVE! 

Here is what I found inside . . . I am adding some cropped photos so you can see more details, but of course you can always click on the scans as well for larger ones.

The little bell Constance sewed on the back will make a lovely noise!
I like seeing her stitching on the back too.

Exceptional prayer flags enticing us to play, to sing and to love. I feel blessed to see these first hand and have them pass through my hands! Your art is soooooooo appreciated Constance, thank you!

Val Cowan - Prayer Flag Swap!

Val has sent very beautiful, extraordinary flags for our swap -- all the way from Scotland! She has been doing art swaps with me for a number of years. Since 2008, I believe! You can see all of her gorgeous swap art here, on this blog.

Val also made me the sweetest gift. 
It is funny, too!
I already have hung it up in my studio, thank you!!

This makes me giggle! 
The plaid will make me think of Scotland - and Val's kindnesses.
So glad you could participate, Val : 0 )