Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kim Tedrow - Prayer Flag swap!

Just in the nick of time, Kim's prayer flags arrived today in my mailbox. Kim has recently moved house and told me, "I forgot how long it would take to get functional in my studio. In fact, I had to stop unpacking and organizing today because the deadline is approaching and I needed to get something done for it!"

Well, she certainly got down to it! I have known Kim via the internet & art swaps for a long time, perhaps 7-10 years? Since the early days of ARTchix Studio when we met on the corresponding yahoo group that was in place at the time. And since Kim has just moved, how appropriate that her flags have a home sweet home vibe. update: Kim has written a post about how she made these on her blog - a wonderful descriptive post! Kim is a great collage artist (you can see on her blog) and some of her earlier prayer flags inspired me as I was organizing my ideas for this swap. Thanks, Kim!

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