I must say I was at first in awe, then inspired, amazed and impressed with Constance's envelope that arrived the other day. As I pulled it from my mailbox, I said --
Oh my! I'm simply in love with mail art and this is definitely a pièce de résistance. The envelope is completely made of fabric and she has painted and stamped it and also sewed paper on (the face). Constance used a large needle and thread to sew up the open side after she inserted her flags. What do you think?
Thank you so much Constance for this gift of your time and art. I am in LOVE!
Here is what I found inside . . . I am adding some cropped photos so you can see more details, but of course you can always click on the scans as well for larger ones.
The little bell Constance sewed on the back will make a lovely noise!
I like seeing her stitching on the back too.
Exceptional prayer flags enticing us to play, to sing and to love. I feel blessed to see these first hand and have them pass through my hands! Your art is soooooooo appreciated Constance, thank you!