Thursday, June 2, 2011

#22.Sharon Walworth - Little Book Swap!

I am amazed by the package I received from Sharon Walworth, who sends to us from Rhode Island, USA. Sharon always sends me gorgeous artwork, but this time it was her packaging combined with the skill of her bookmaking and the idea she had behind it that truly blew me away. Sharon said this was one of her most favorite swaps -- and its at least her 12th creative swap! It was also her first experience with bookbinding, if you can imagine; and she reports that she is hooked! Sharon sent 5 identical packets and told me to open one for myself which would allow me to share it with you through my photographs. Look at how the package arrived -I love that tape!!

Inside, all of the books are wrapped up together-just like they are individually!

 each book is wrapped individually. If you receive one, you will want to 
untie the twine and unroll the paper for the notes inside . . .

 Sharon created her books with papers that contain wildflower seeds! 
Her entire book can be taken apart and put directly in your garden
or snipped into sections and be planted in pots!!!
Sharon gives complete instructions with each book. 
: ^     )
p.s. I know about the strict customs rules for Australia -no seeds- so I am sorry, I won't be sending you one of these books if you live there . . .

Thank you, Sharon for your wonderful contribution.
Thanks to ALL participants for doing such a fine job with your little books.

I am all caught up with photos for now. Remember to check the sidebar 
to see if your package has made it to Florida. 
It can take me a few days to actually get it uploaded.
Thanks for your patience.
I have already started the swapping process to avoid being overwhelmed 
at the end of the swap with so many packages. 
I've got my swap chart made up - I am making notes and some swaps! 
See you again soon I'm sure, with more creativity!